Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Magic Time (or, "I smell robot.")

Sometimes hormones can be a real gas. There are times I revel in feminine emotions, love the way things "get" me more occasionally.

Now's probably not a good time (see also - listening to my dad's memorial and a subsequent nosedive in that fabled "attitude" of mine), though, for this sort of extremity.

My first strategy was to watch "Samurai Jack" for a while there. Meh, I just wasn't really in the place.

Then I took "Stage Beauty" off the shelf (review, by the way, to follow shortly - great film, that one). The harrowing climax really did it to me. Nope, not the ticket.

So this evening, I took Big Bang Theory down and popped it in the DVD player. Aw. Sheldon Moon Pie. Laughter.

Even though I just watched these like a couple months ago here - just the thing.

I adore that Sheldon does biofeedback. My mom still talks about biofeedback. It's so delightfully seventies.


BBT got me through one of the most stunningly awful times of my life a couple and a half years back. It made me laugh when I really didn't understand that was possible.

But my "aw gawrsh" affection for this show, thank heavens, doesn't do thing one to make me all misty and goopy and stuff.


Wolfmammy said...

Sheldon is my favorite!

DLM said...

Okay, so NOW the truth comes out! Wolfie is a big old BBT nerd!!