Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh, And

The Sherlock update was entertaining, I'll be sticking with that. Another possible DVD for the list, at some point. The only clanking moment was when Sherlock is describing a miscreant, and stops himself in the middle, realizing he knows who he is talking about. As smooth as this mostly is, that moment stops things dead. But I like the casting - Lestrade is nicely done, and some of the antagonistic supporting players are going to be good. Martin Freeman, as I said last night, makes a great Watson (hee - Watson), but the new Holmes is a very finely considered choice.

Plus, he's pretty attractive, for the sort (like me) who dig good looking nerdy guys. (Sheldon - seriously - call me. Or Jim Parsons; I'm not too picky.) Amazing, actually, how wildly popular those've become.

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