Saturday, November 6, 2010

Housecleaning. Braincleaning.

I was *waiting* for 4:30 p.m. yesterday almost from Sunday afternoon. I dreaded Monday, because I hadn't felt well over the weekend, and I hadn't taken care of myself. I dreaded Tuesday, because I always vote in the morning, and this getting up at oh-dark-thirty business has been wearing me down. The rest of the week wasn't so scary of course, but it was something to be GOTTEN through for the reward of getting to the weekend. The not feeling well business started over a week and a half ago, and my plan starting at 4:30 Friday was to get some of the rest I so badly needed.

The work week was actually surprisingly productive, considering my rotten attitude (I don't share my attitude with those who pay me to be nice, for the most part ...). But when 4:30 came and went yesterday I slipped into a bit of defeatist humor about it. Eh, well, the later you leave on a Friday, the easier the drive is.

Still, it was a little amusing that the thing taking me so long was something to do with my printer.

My printer and I have a bit of a fraught relationship. And my printer is the only one I can use to do what needed doing.

So I got stubborn and bent it to my will (not without a bit of a fight, obviously), and left about an hour and a half late.

Apparently, my printer was feeling a stickler over the fact I had left an hour and a half *early*, with that feeling unwell business, the previous Friday.


But I did get home, and had a quiet evening finishing out season 3 of Deep Space 9 on my new DVD set, went through all the little easter eggs and special features, and went to bed by I think 9:45 or so.

I spent a night of pretty good rest, brain CLOTTED with dreams - a constant production line of scraps, images, stories - none of them bad ones, most of them I can't remember. Evidently my brain needs a good emptying-out. I drowsed this morning, silly writer-mind coming up with reviews for DS9. Heh. That's a typical Saturday morning for me. Letters to E, reviews like that, scathing arguments with people who offend my sensibilities - my sleepy brain writes.

And not always well. As we already know. Heh.

So I won't subject you to all of last night's (or this morning's) mental smorgasboard, but I do have an idea that this weekend I'm going to want to get out a couple thoughts which have been suggesting themselves for this space recently.

First, though, to survey the estates, and see what there is to see. Strategy time.

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