Monday, November 1, 2010

Nrgh II - The Electric Boogaloo

I did make it through today pretty well - but let it be said, it was exhausting. I'm too old to forget to use any of my weekend for actually resting (even when I'm not actually sick!). I ploughed into the day, though, and got a great deal done. My boss needs me to get on top of a calendar overview for our group, and that isn't completed, which is frustrating - but huge amounts of daily-grind stuff IS done, which is still good.

As much as I was dreading today, yesterday, now I am dreading tomorrow. To be sure, I know this is hardly the attitude to go into *any* day with, but voting days do tire me out. Even on non-presidential years, when it doesn't take all that long, running such an errand in the dark of a November morning (the new time for Daylight Savings has given a literally-dark new flavor to election days these past few years) is mentally tiring. Maybe I should stop, after getting it done, and bring in some bagels or something for my crew. Hmm, must check the hours for Einstein Bros., see if that's an option ...

Except of course that I like the breakfast at work. Man, they do the most amazingly good thick-cut bacon.

Oh, just thinking about it makes me a poorer coworker. Heh. I like bacon and biscuits better than bagels anyway.

The good news about this week is that after tomorrow, the days will be significantly easier. And after Friday, we'll be adjusting this oh-dark-thirty business for this year. I must be old: I'm looking forward to this like it's a holiday. "Yay, Fall Back is coming!"


But right now, even one extra hour's sleep sounds like platinum-plated luxury. Mmm.

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