Friday, October 7, 2011

Awright Then

Okay, so one of the rejections I got last night was from that dream agent I was pretty wiggly about one month ago.  The thing is, the detailed and constructive, practical feedback is a HUGELY good sign, and if I weren't being so distracted yesterday by the initial "no" I would have remembered two things.  One, detailed feedback from an agent who's had your full is an incredible favor they have given you.

Two:  it's also basically an invitation to re-query.

Detailed feedback - even in the context of a rejection - is INTEREST, boys and girls.  They don't bother with that stuff if they're not interested.  Because it takes time.  And who's got that, with hundreds of queries coming in every month?

So.  The Con has my cramped little brainpan all full of inspiration, and the need to do some writing.  And I have some specific, concrete directions regarding writing and editing I can do.

All told, fella babies:  this is *amazing*.

Per usual:  JRW has me ablaze.

Wondefully unusual:  There's actually an iron we could heat up in this fire.

(Unfortunately, there's no NEW iron as of today - the agent I had been slated to meet with lost a family member yesterday, and could not come after all.  My condolences are with him, but he has apparently committed to reaching out to each and every person he had been set to meet with, and arranging Skype or phone time with all of us who want it.  What an astonishing piece of generosity and dedication that is!  My prayers will be with his family, though, regardless of my expectations there.  He seems a nice guy, and it is such a pity.)

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