Monday, June 25, 2012


Someone was MOST pitiful when I came home today, after a short, violent tornadic storm.

Fortunately, going outside to see her neighbors and friends gave her a nice, manic case of The Happy.  She was bright as a liberated little button.  Our friend whose beloved Dalmation (Siddy's first boyfriend in the neighborhood, and always a boy dear to our hearts) has recently passed just fawned on her and cooed over her cuteness.

Right now, she's plumped on the floor by my feet, possibly reassured by the return of power (with the windows open, there were perhaps one too many sirens going by for her mental comfort), and probably ready for bed.

We're going soon.  But I figured, for those who heard about the weather in these parts, I'd check in.

And coo over the cuteness of my dog.  (Photo is old - but sentiment eternal.)

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