Sunday, July 27, 2014


For a pleasing Sunday interlude:  Mojourner has marmot fights!  There is a tale about marmots in The Ax and the Vase, but it is nowhere near so cool and cute.

Jeff Sypeck on Tolkien's Beowulf - "like no English ever before uttered or heard."

The British Museum shows us the Ur-Ur.

Finally, another amusing interlude (this time, vintage images with puns!) at The Passion of Former Days.


Jeff S. said...

Thanks for this link, and sorry I didn't acknowledge it before! I was offline and Out West. I appreciate the marmot link, too; I had hoped in vain to spot marmots in Colorado last week...

DLM said...

Considering how long it took me to post the link, you have nothing to apologize for! That Mojourner guy has great photos. :)